CEDAR email: JOB OPENING: 3 Ph.D. and Postdoc at Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Germany

Gerd Baumgarten baumgarten at iap-kborn.de
Thu Jun 13 04:50:09 MDT 2024

The Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the University of 
Rostock (IAP), Germany, is currently accepting applications for PostDoc 
and PhD positions in the Optical and Rocket Soundings department.
This is an exceptional opportunity to engage in impactful research in an 
intellectually stimulating environment.


_Subject: 2 PhD and Postdoc Opportunities: Lidar development for 
sounding the middle atmosphere: winds, temperatures, aerosols, trace 

Position Details:

We are particularly interested in individuals focused on scientific 
developments related to new measurement capabilities, optical design, 
lidar data processing, and geophysical analysis.

Research will consist of both optical and geophysical topics which could 
include: laser physics, high-precision optics, system design, data 
handling, studies involving winds, temperature, gravity waves, aerosols, 
and other topics. Applicants will learn skills associated with 3D 
printing, optical systems design, Julia programming, modern data 
handing, and conducting observational research in the stratosphere and 

These positions will involve collaboration with our private sector 
partners in the projects LidarCUBE and EULIAA, both consortia of 
industrial and scientific partners in Germany and the EU. Our consortia 
are dedicated to developing compact multipurpose lidar instruments, 
offering unparalleled access to the atmosphere. We invite qualified 
candidates to contribute to our mission of advancing atmospheric 
research on a global scale.

_Subject: PhD Opportunity: Rocket measurements of neutrals and plasma in 
the MLT_

Position Details:

We are particularly interested in individuals focused on scientific 
developments related to new measurement capabilities, instrumental 
design, data processing, and analysis. Research will focus on instrument 
development to measure neutral and plasma species onboard sounding 
rockets and potential VLEO (Very Low Earth Orbit) satellite missions. 
Applicants will join our experimental research team and help to 
conceive, design, and build instrumentation. Analysis of small-scale ion 
or neutral dynamics could involve studies of turbulence, gravity waves, 
neutral density, or other topics in the Arctic MLT.

The position will involve collaboration with our international partners 
in the project DEFINE, a sounding rocket activity to take place at 
Andøya Space. We invite qualified candidates to contribute to our 
mission of advancing atmospheric research at the edge of space. Our 
efforts are focused on providing new observations and understanding of 
the transition from atmosphere to space.

Postdocs will be supported to publish 1-2 papers per year in reputable 
journals and present new research at international conferences, the PhD 
has the option of a cumulative thesis (2 first author papers + 1 
co-author paper) or a monograph.

*Application Process:*

To apply, please submit the following documents to 
personal at iap-kborn.de: Letter of Intent, Curriculum Vitae (CV), 
Transcripts, Letters of Recommendation

For detailed information about the jobs and the application process, 
please visit www.iap-kborn.de/en/news/jobs/ 

You can also contact us in person at major international events, e.g. 

Prof. Dr. Gerd Baumgarten
Department head
Optical and Rocket Soundings

Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric Physics
at the University of Rostock
Schloßstraße 6, D-18225 Kühlungsborn
phone: +49 38293 68 123

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