CEDAR email: Workshop on Coupling Studies toward IPY 2032-2033

Liying Qian lqian at ucar.edu
Mon Jun 3 10:54:36 MDT 2024

Hi Xinzhao,

I approved your message but somehow it didn't show up. It is very odd. This
is the first time that this has ever happened. Please let me ask help from
HAO computer people and find out why.

Thank you for your patience!


On Mon, Jun 3, 2024 at 12:49 PM XINZHAO CHU <xinzhao.chu at colorado.edu>

> Dear CEDAR Community,
> We would like to invite you to attend a CEDAR workshop entitled
> “atmosphere-space coupling studies with advanced observations and numerical
> modeling towards IPY 2032-2033” on Tuesday (June 11) 10am-12pm at Room
> Harborside in San Diego.
> *The International Polar Years (IPY) *are collaborative international
> efforts of understanding the polar processes that play key roles in making
> the Earth habitable and sustainable for life. Though the 5th IPY in
> 2032-2033 is still eight years away, the preparation work has started. *It
> is absolutely crucial for the US community of aeronomy and geospace
> sciences to step up investment in enhancing infrastructure and building
> pipeline to the workforce if we want to lead the IPY efforts.* This task
> is urgent because many instruments in Antarctica are facing tremendous
> challenges and increasing failures due to lack of investment. Moreover, the
> reduced Antarctic deployment is hindering the trainings of next-generation
> scientists and engineers who will be the workforce for IPY.
> This CEDAR workshop aims to provide a platform for the community’s input
> on the preparation for the IPY 2032-2033 and solicit the community’s
> support to enhancing infrastructure and pipeline. In particular, lidars in
> Antarctica have been making eye-opening discoveries, especially in the
> atmosphere-space coupling with lidar measurements covering up to ~190 km.
> These lidars along with all-sky imagers and FPIs as well as radio remote
> sensing observations are providing crucial data to the studies of various
> geomagnetic storms including the Mother’s Day storm. However, *new
> infrastructure and support is definitely needed to continue making these
> crucial measurements and training younger generations towards leading the
> IPY efforts*.
> 2024 Workshop: Atmosphere-Space Coupling | CEDAR
> <https://cedarscience.org/workshop/2024-workshop-atmosphere-space-coupling>
> cedarscience.org
> <https://cedarscience.org/workshop/2024-workshop-atmosphere-space-coupling>
> [image: cedar-logo-116.png]
> <https://cedarscience.org/workshop/2024-workshop-atmosphere-space-coupling>
> <https://cedarscience.org/workshop/2024-workshop-atmosphere-space-coupling>
> Please visit the workshop website and include at least three conveners’
> emails in your email communication regarding the workshop and presentations.
> Looking forward to seeing you at CEDAR!
> Xinzhao Chu on behalf of all conveners:
> Xinzhao Chu <xinzhao.chu at colorado.edu>
> Xian Lu <xianl at g.clemson.edu>
> Zhonghua Xu <zxu77 at vt.edu>
> Jackson Jandreau <jackson.jandreau at colorado.edu>
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