CEDAR email: AGU24 session: P034: Space Environments of Unmagnetized or Weakly Magnetized Solar System Bodies and the Effects of Space Weather on These Systems.

Xiaohua Fang Xiaohua.Fang at lasp.colorado.edu
Mon Jul 15 13:44:44 MDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

We invite abstract submissions to our AGU24 session: P034: Space Environments of Unmagnetized or Weakly Magnetized Solar System Bodies and the Effects of Space Weather on These Systems.

Session Description: The ionospheres and magnetospheres of weakly magnetized bodies with substantial atmospheres (e.g. Mars, Venus, Titan, Pluto and comets) are subject to disturbances due to solar activities, interplanetary conditions, or parent magnetospheric environments (e.g. solar flares, coronal mass ejections and solar energetic particles), sharing similarities with their magnetized counterparts but with scientifically important differences. As an integral part of planetary atmospheres, ionospheres are tightly coupled with the neutral atmosphere, exosphere and surrounding plasma environment, possessing rich compositional, density, and temperature structures. The interaction among neutral and charged components affects atmospheric loss, neutral winds, photochemistry, and energy balance within ionospheres. This session invites abstracts concerning remote and in-situ data analysis, modeling studies, comparative studies, instrumentation and mission concepts for weakly magnetized solar system bodies. Topics such as dayside and nightside ionospheric characteristics and variability, ion-neutral coupling, and responses of the ionized and neutral regimes to transient space weather events are especially encouraged.

We look forward to your participation and insightful discussions.

Christopher Fowler, Beatriz Sanchez-Cano, Yingjuan Ma, Xiaohua Fang

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