CEDAR email: SHIELD Webinar: The Human Spirit Can Make the “Impossible” Possible, Monday, August 19th, 2pm ET

Gross, Nicholas gross at bu.edu
Mon Jul 15 10:42:34 MDT 2024

SHIELD Webinar: The Human Spirit Can Make the “Impossible” Possible: What Space Exploration Can Learn About Passion, Perseverance, and Resilience from a Groundbreaking Athlete

Monday, August 19th, 2pm ET

Any challenging human endeavor requires both passion, perseverance, and resilience.  This is true when both pushing the edges of the human body's physical endurance, or the boundaries of our understanding of the universe.

Diana Nyad, a world renown marathon swimmer and a member of the International Women’s Sports Hall of Fame, overcame extraordinary challenges to swim the open ocean from Cuba to Key West Florida. Her passion, perseverance and resilience were key to ultimately succeeding after multiple attempts at this extraordinary feat.

Merav Opher, is a Professor of Astronomy at Boston University and a Harvard Radcliffe Fellow. She is the leader of the SHIELD DRIVE Science Research Center, one of the three NASA funded centers to tackle breakthrough science. SHIELD’s goal is to create a twin analog of the heliosphere, the bubble formed by the solar wind as it encounters the interstellar medium. It took passion,  perseverance, and resilience to build a multi-institution team composed of members who hold strong diverse opinions about the shape of our heliosphere and how to understand the science behind it.

Join us in the webinar for a conversation between Diana Nyad and Merav Opher as they explore the meaning and value of passion, perseverance, and resilience.

To register and for previous SHIELD Webinars visit https://shielddrivecenter.com/shield-webinars/
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