CEDAR email: AGU Session: Space Plasma Physics Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques

Martinez Ledesma, Miguel (GSFC-6730)[CATHOLIC UNIV OF AMERICA] miguel.martinezledesma at nasa.gov
Fri Jul 12 14:16:07 MDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

If you are planning to attend AGU in Washington D.C. this year, please consider submitting an abstract to the
Space Plasma Physics Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques session (SM022).

This session is new to the AGU this year. Abstracts are due no later than July 31.

Session ID: 230071
Session Title: SM022 - Space Plasma Physics Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques

This session focuses on advances in space plasma physics instrumentation and their applications. Abstracts should focus on instrumentation, measurement techniques, and data processing algorithms which enable new areas of science. Enabling technologies for novel mission concepts are welcome. The goal of this session is to stimulate discussion across disciplines and between generations on instrument technologies, and to give opportunities for education and future collaborations. The observation targets include any region of space where plasmas, partially ionized gases, and accelerated particles are found, including the Sun, the Earth, planetary exospheres, interplanetary space, and the interstellar medium. Abstracts are solicited that investigate and develop instruments or supporting technologies for in-situ and remote sensing studies of particles and fields. Examples include, but are not limited to, fluxgate and search coil magnetometers, electric field instruments, electron analyzers, energetic particle and fields instruments, radio and plasma wave instrumentation, ion analyzers, and radiation monitors.


We are very excited about this new session, and we look forward for all your amazing contributions.

Best wishes,

On behalf of
Jason Gilbert (Univ. of Mich.)
Dave Sheppard (GSFC 695/564)
Keiichi Ogasawara (SwRI)
Miguel Martínez Ledesma (GSFC 673/CUA)
Kenton Green (Univ. of Iowa)

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