CEDAR email: AGU Session on Measurement Techniques for Space Weather Observations - Call for Abstracts

Barjatya, Aroh barjatya at erau.edu
Tue Jul 2 12:23:47 MDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

We cordially invite you to submit an abstract to the 2024 AGU Fall Meeting Session:
SA017-New Frontiers in Measurement Techniques for Space Weather Observations<https://agu.confex.com/agu/agu24/prelim.cgi/Session/227326>

Recent technological advances have allowed us to make smaller and/or more sensitive instruments, enabling the heliophysics community to do compelling science from small platforms that lend easily to multipoint measurements. Advances have been made in in-situ measurements from sounding rockets and satellite platforms, as well as remote sensing instrumentation. This session will bring together experimentalists and welcome ideas for new measurement techniques, innovative ways to leverage older techniques, and instrumentation that takes advantage of new capabilities for small platforms.

Results from laboratory instrumentation or sub-orbital/orbital flights are highly encouraged, underscoring the significance of this session in shaping the future of space weather measurement techniques toward new orbital or sub-orbital missions. We invite you to contribute to this session to help highlight measurement techniques and instrumentation that will enable new frontiers in observations of various space weather phenomena at higher spatial and temporal resolution.

Abstracts submission deadline is July 31st at 23:59 EDT. Details on Abstract submission process are at

Best Regards,
Aroh Barjatya, Sarah Vines, Bryce Halter, Carlos Maldonado, Erik Tejero

Aroh Barjatya, PhD
Professor of Engineering Physics
Physical Sciences Department

1 Aerospace Blvd
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Ph: 386-226-6675
Research Website: sail.erau.edu

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Florida | Arizona | Worldwide
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