CEDAR email: NASA Sounding Rocket Working Group Meeting to be held July 9 -- Agenda and information regarding virtual attendance

Pfaff, Robert F. (GSFC-6750) robert.f.pfaff at nasa.gov
Mon Jul 1 16:00:18 MDT 2024

Please distribute this message to the CEDAR mailing list.  Thank you.  --  Rob Pfaff, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

NASA Sounding Rocket Working Group Meeting to be held July 9  --  Agenda and information regarding virtual attendance.

NASA’s Sounding Rocket Working Group (SRWG) is an informal advisory committee that meets twice a year, providing input to the Sounding Rocket Program Office at Wallops since the late 1980’s.  It is composed of 12 members who are active “users”  --  representing researchers and PI’s at universities and research labs across the country in the disciplines of Astrophysics, Solar, and Geospace.

The spring/summer meeting will take place on Tuesday, July 9, at Goddard/Greenbelt starting at 9 AM (Eastern).  The agenda may be found below.

The meeting will be conducted both In-person and Virtually.  The virtual link is via Teams.  Details regarding how to participate virtually are provided below.

We look forward to “seeing” everyone at the SRWG meeting, either virtually or in person.

Rob Pfaff
NASA Project Scientist, Sounding Rockets
Robert.F.Pfaff at nasa.gov<mailto:Robert.F.Pfaff at nasa.gov>


Sounding Rocket Working Group Meeting
9 July 2024
Goddard Space Flight Center, Bldg. 21, Room 183A/B

Via In-Person and Virtual Assembly

All Times Eastern

9:00 A.M.             Review of Agenda and Welcome of New Members                             Pfaff
9:05                       Welcome from the Goddard Space Flight Center                                 TBD

9:10                       NASA HQ Program and Heliophysics Update                                         Moses

9:40                       NASA HQ Astrophysics Update                                                                    Hams

9:50                       Sounding Rocket Program Office Update                                                Rosanova

                                                Current Manifest and Challenges
10:20                     NSROC Program Update                                                                                Weaver

10:30                     COFFEE BREAK

10:45                     Response to January 2024 SRWG Findings                                             SRPO

11:15                     Peru Campaign Update                                                                                  Bissett

11:30                     Poker Flat Research Range Update from Univ. of Alaska                  McCoy

11:45                     Report:  Solar Flare Campaign                                                                     Glesener

12:00                     Report:  Solar Eclipse Rockets  --  APEP                                                    Barjatya

12:15 P.M.          LUNCH

1:00                       Update on Ranges                                                                                            SRPO

1:30                       Rocket Motors and Vehicles                                                                        Brodell

2:00                       SRPO Technology and Engineering Update                                            Yacobucci
3:30                       BREAK
4:00                       Executive Session (incl. recommendations)                                            SRWG
5:30                       ADJOURN

P.S.  If you need assistance regarding attendance or logistics for the SRWG meeting, please contact Steve Martin at steven.c.martin at nasa.gov<mailto:steven.c.martin at nasa.gov> or 301-286-6517.

Information regarding virtual attendance at the main SRWG meeting on July 9, 2024 may be found below:

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