CEDAR email: Call for Abstracts - 2024 AGU Fall Meeting Session SA019

Gasperini, Federico (Orion) federico.gasperini at arcfield.com
Mon Jul 1 15:21:56 MDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to submit an abstract to the 2024 AGU Fall Meeting Session: SA019 - Response of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Mesosphere to Terrestrial Weather and Connections to External Drivers<https://urldefense.us/v2/url?u=https-3A__agu.confex.com_agu_agu24_prelim.cgi_Session_230047&d=DwMFaQ&c=L4IogQUxJwxc-F14PJeZBy0aL1nbCId3JgRjMgunPoM&r=WVMlo4gNYPC_MBHI6-DtxEt-7flDgRIWNDUdNksFW7k&m=qZTLrQG9yUaY6v3IvK4h2ngIVLsy2FOP4LQkY1LvgBpY5BQO8s7rKkjaRuCi6cRv&s=gOJ4jubIH8SjzNb_SA6Sm8KKi-RtxSVmE0NM5CIpiz4&e=>.

Session Description: Understanding the confluence of energy and momentum processes that interconnect Earth’s upper atmosphere with terrestrial weather from below and space weather from above presents a captivating scientific problem. The Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Mesosphere (ITM) system is highly responsive to external drivers such as solar irradiance and solar wind-magnetospheric forcing, and fluctuations driven by lower-atmosphere waves. Planetary waves, tides, persistent gravity waves, and recurrent magnetospheric forcing contribute to ongoing ITM variability across timescales from years to hours. Superimposed upon those are abrupt disturbances triggered by terrestrial events such as thunderstorms/hurricanes/volcano eruptions/sudden stratospheric warmings, and geomagnetic storms from space. These processes can occur simultaneously, making forecasts of the ITM system challenging. The goal of this session is to advance the understanding of whole atmosphere interconnections between terrestrial weather (waves) and space weather, their relative importance, and the ITM responses to sudden disturbances from both terrestrial and space origins as well as their potential interactions.

The 2024 AGU Fall Meeting will be held in Washington, DC from 9-13 December 2024, and the abstract submission deadline is 31 July 2024 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT.

We look forward to your contributions and to see you in Washington, DC.


Federico Gasperini
Jens Oberheide
Xian Lu
Lindsay Goodwin
Jiarong Zhang

Federico Gasperini, PhD
Principal Research Scientist
Orion Space Solutions
282 Century Pl Suite 1000
Louisville, CO 80027 - USA
+1 (303) 993-8039 x777
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