CEDAR email: NSF announcement
Raizada, Shikha
sraizada at nsf.gov
Fri Jan 19 14:54:57 MST 2024
Dear colleagues,
Hope you all are having wonderful new year. Given below is a message from the divisional director of the Atmospheric and Geospace Science (AGS) Division in Geoscience directorate at the U.S. National Science Foundation.
Dr. Shikha Raizada (She, her, hers)
Program Director
U.S. National Science Foundation
Dear Colleagues,
Happy New Year.
The Atmospheric and Geospace Science (AGS) Division in the Geoscience (GEO) Directorate at the National Science Foundation (NSF) has exciting news to share with you that is based on feedback from the GEO research community. AGS has realigned itself into three Clusters comprised of the Atmosphere Cluster (AC), Geospace Cluster (GC), and Infrastructure Cluster (IC).
In recognition of this alignment, the traditional Section Head positions have been dissolved and a new Deputy Division Director (DDD) position has been created. Dr. David J. Verardo will serve as Acting Deputy Division Director (DDD) starting January 28, 2024, while a search is conducted for a permanent DDD: USAJOBS - Job Announcement. Dr. Verardo is available (dverardo at nsf.gov) to answer questions.
This new organizational structure aims to maintain AGS's ongoing investments in disciplinary-based research while further lowering barriers to cross-disciplinary collaboration and increasing transparency among scientific disciplinaries. This change aligns with the goals of NSF and GEO that reflect the trans-disciplinary nature of science as it is increasingly conducted today in the research community.
Please be assured that AGS aims to maintain its support for disciplinary-based research while creating room for new opportunities for interdisciplinary research that stretch intellectual bounds within AGS, the GEO directorate, and beyond.
Additional information will be forthcoming on a regular basis through our AGS newsletter, website, and other means of communication. Our internal operations will evolve as we experience the impacts of the realignment and assess the changing needs of the research community.
We appreciate your patience as we move forward.
Dr. Anne M. Johansen
Division Director GEO/AGS
National Science Foundation
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