CEDAR email: URSI AT-RASC (19-24 May 2024) - Session G02 : Nowcasting and forecasting Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances for ionospheric weather and mitigation services

David Altadill Felip david_altadill at obsebre.es
Wed Jan 17 02:10:56 MST 2024

Dear Colleague,

The call for papers of the *4th URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting* 
(Gran Canaria, Spain, 19-24 May, 2023) is about to close.

Please consider to submit a paper to *session G02* 
<https://www.atrasc.com/papersubmission.php#G>: Nowcasting and 
forecasting Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances for ionospheric weather 
and mitigation services  (see abstract below).

Please visit the conference website <https://www.atrasc.com/home.php> 
and submit your abstract to our session by*January 20,  2024*.

Looking forward to receiving your contribution, (and sorry for possible 

Geoff Crowley, David Altadill, Anna Belehaki, Sivakandan Mani

*Abstract*: Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs) are plasma 
density fluctuations that propagate as waves through the ionosphere at a 
wide range of velocities and frequencies and play an important role in 
the exchange of momentum and energy between various regions of the upper 
atmosphere. TIDs are the ionospheric manifestation of internal 
atmospheric gravity waves (AGW) in the neutral atmosphere and are 
associated with auroral and geomagnetic activity and with lower 
atmosphere phenomena of non-space origin (e.g., severe tropospheric 
convection or passages of cold fronts, seismicity, volcanic activity, 
and artificially triggered events such as explosions). The exact 
physical mechanisms of TIDs formation, the trigger mechanisms, the basic 
properties and parameters of TIDs and their propagation direction from 
the source, how they dissipate with distance and how background 
ionospheric conditions affect their propagation, have still not been 
fully characterized or understood. Nevertheless, it is confirmed that 
TIDs constitute a threat for operational systems that use simple 
predictions of ionospheric characteristics and especially in 
ground-based and aerospace applications.
The session invites contributions on TIDs identification and tracking 
experiments and methodologies, on models for nowcasting and forecasting 
TIDs and corresponding ionospheric weather services, descriptions of 
operational issues caused by TIDs, and possible mitigation technologies 
able to prevent degradation of the applications concerned.


Dr. David Altadill

Observatori de l’Ebre (Universitat Ramon Llull - CSIC).
Carrer Observatori 3A,
43520 Roquetes (Tarragona).
Espanya - Spain.
Tel. (+34) 977 500 511
e-mail:david_altadill at obsebre.es
GPS: 40.8210, 0.4955


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