CEDAR email: URSI AT-RASC 2024 abstracts: deadline approaching! G06 session on Modeling and forecasting the ionosphere, Machine Learning and Complex Systems"

Yenca Migoya-Orue yenca at ictp.it
Tue Jan 16 02:54:37 MST 2024

Dear CEDAR community,

Abstracts submission is closing soon for the 4th URSI Atlantic Radio 
Science Meeting (URSI AT-RASC 2024), that will be held in Gran Canaria, 
Spain during 19 - 24 May, 2024. We warmly solicit abstracts to our 
session:/"/*G06: Modeling and forecasting the ionosphere: new ways to 
cooperate Complex Systems theory and Machine Learning"*. The session 
description is given below. The deadline for abstract submission is this 
Friday, 20 January 2024. *G06:* Modeling and forecasting the ionosphere: 
new ways to cooperate Complex Systems theory and Machine Learning 
*Session Description:* Ionosphere modelling and forecasting are 
paramount objectives of research in the field. In this framework, 
several considerable milestones were reached both through Physics-based 
models and empirical-climatological studies. Our session will bring 
together novel concepts for modelling and forecasting the ionosphere, 
both data-driven and physics-based, with underlying machine learning 
(ML) and/or complex dynamical systems methodologies to trigger their 
fruitful cross-fertilization. The ML approach is recognized to be at the 
present cutting edge of numerical and big data analysis tools, gleaning 
a deep understanding of otherwise hidden system behavior from historical 
records. On the other hand, recognizing the ionosphere as a complex 
dynamical system structured on many time- and space-scales, 
intrinsically nonlinear and statistically-treated, paves the way to 
paradigm changes in its dynamical theory. Both approaches can offer 
superior forecasting capabilities to explore in cooperation. This 
session is intended to be open to papers that consider approaches 
stemming from the foregoing considerations. Find more details at 

Conveners: Ivan Galkin, Claudio Cesaroni, Yenca Migoya-Orue, Massimo 

Best regards,

Yenca Migoya-Orue'
Researcher, STI Unit
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste,Italy
Tel: +39 040 2240338
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