CEDAR email: 2024 EGU General Assembly session (ST3.3/AS3): Dynamics, Chemistry, and Coupling in the MLT Regions

Sovit Khadka sovit.khadka at orionspace.com
Thu Jan 4 00:24:00 MST 2024

Dear Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to submit abstracts to the EGU24 session (ST3.3/AS3): - Dynamics, Chemistry, and Coupling in the MLT Regions - which is scheduled for the EGU General Assembly, April 14-19, 2024, in Vienna, Austria and online.

         ****Session Details****
Session Title: ST3.3/AS3 - Dynamics, Chemistry, and Coupling in the MLT Regions
Programme Group: Solar-Terrestrial Sciences
Session Link: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU24/session/49726
Convener: Sovit Khadka, Orion Space Solutions, USA
Co-conveners: Claudia Stolle, University of Rostock, Germany
                                 Franz-Josef Lübken, Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Germany
                                 Tatsuhiro Yokoyama, Kyoto University, Japan

Session Description:
The Earth's mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region is a great platform to study ionospheric dynamics, disturbances, eddy mixing, and controlling parameters. This transition region is sandwiched between the lower and upper atmosphere, which is strongly driven by the forcing from both the above (e.g., solar and magnetospheric inputs) and below (e.g., gravity waves and atmospheric tides). The thermal structure of the MLT region is controlled by numerous sources and sinks of energy, including solar radiation, chemical, and dynamical processes. Solar atmospheric tides, related to global-scale variations of temperature, density, pressure, and wind waves, are responsible for coupling the lower and upper layers of the atmosphere. During this coupling process, the precipitation of energetic particles into the MLT region also greatly influences the vertical profiles of the temperature, chemistry, and dynamics of the upper atmosphere. This is an appropriate forum/time to encourage the scientific community to present, discuss, update, and improve our understanding of dynamics, chemistry, and coupling in the MLT region that ultimately affect the electrodynamics of the whole coupled Geospace environment. This session invites presentations on scientific work related to various experimental/observational techniques, numerical and empirical modeling, and theoretical analyses on the dynamics, chemistry, and coupling processes in the altitude range of ~ 60 km – 180 km of the MLT regions.

We look forward to your contribution to our EGU24 session.
Please note that the abstract submission deadline is Wednesday, 10 January 2024 at 13:00 CET. Thank you.

Sovit Khadka, Claudia Stolle, Franz-Josef Lübken, and Tatsuhiro Yokoyama
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