CEDAR email: Rotating Slides

Liying Qian lqian at ucar.edu
Mon Apr 15 08:58:59 MDT 2024

Dear CEDAR community,

We request your contributions of rotating slides that highlight
activities, celebrations, and opportunities in the CEDAR community. These
rotating slides will be displayed on the screen in the plenary meeting room
during breaks.

The CEDAR workshop provides an excellent platform to highlight the diverse
range of activities happening within the community, to celebrate our
collective achievements, and to effectively communicate available
1. Activities. If you or your colleagues are currently engaged in
compelling research projects, fascinating experiments and field projects,
and impactful education and outreach activities, etc., we invite you to
contribute slides that showcase these endeavors. This will provide valuable
insight into the breadth and depth of our community in action.
2. Celebrations. If you have any achievements, awards, or special
recognitions, please share them with us, so we can celebrate together
during the workshop.
3. Opportunities. If you have any exciting opportunities, such as job
openings and internships, we would be thrilled to feature them in the
rotating slides.

To ensure your slides are included, please email them to:
lqian at ucar.edu
no later than June 7th, 2024.

Thank you in advance for your contributions!

Liying on behalf of the 2024 CEDAR Workshop organizers
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