CEDAR email: Reminder about the VCAIS/ANGWIN meeting - June 2 -7 in Fredericton, Canada

William E Ward wward at unb.ca
Fri Apr 12 20:53:32 MDT 2024

A reminder to all interested in studying the coupling processes between the neutral atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere!
This year the Vertical Coupling of the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System (VCAIS) meeting is combined with the ANtarctic Gravity Wave Instrument Network meeting for a one week meeting/workshop addressing the modelling,  observation, data analysis and theory related to this coupling. The objective of this meeting is to provide a venue for discussions and collaborations between scientists involved in studying this coupling and associated mechanisms. The intention is to have contributions from recent satellite missions, whole atmosphere modelling and ground based airglow, lidar and radar. Waves of all scales, large scale flows and constituent distributions will be considered as complementary perspectives on this coupling. Gravity wave processes in Polar Regions and phenomena related to the recent Solar eclipse are specific topics being considered for this meeting.
The meeting will take place from June 2 to 7 in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada with a student workshop taking place the afternoon of June 2. Registration costs are $250 Cdn for students and  $350 Cdn for everyone else. For further information on the meeting and registration details see the conference web site, https://vcais2024.ca/.
Courtesy of IUGG, IAGA, SCOSTEP and SCAR there is significant support for students and early career scientists. The deadline for registering and identifying the need for travel support has been extended to Aprril 15 at 16:00 UT.
For all other participants the registration deadline is Wednesday, April 24, 2024 and the abstract submission deadline is Wednesday, May 1, 2024.
We look forward to seeing everyone and hearing of your new results.
William Ward on behalf of the Scientific Organizing Committee and the Local Organizing Committee.

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