CEDAR email: Announcing the DASH Workshop, Oct 9-11

Vandegriff, Jon Jon.Vandegriff at jhuapl.edu
Wed Jun 28 12:17:31 MDT 2023

Dear Colleagues,

We are happy to announce a new conference dedicated to software, analysis, and data for the Heliophysics community. The Data, Analysis and Software in Heliophysics (DASH) meeting will provide a unique venue for practitioners to share ideas, learn about new and emerging trends, and connect with others. We are aiming to avoid the death-by-powerpoint approach to meetings, and we are striving for interactive sessions, with many chances for discussion. In the era of burgeoning open science, collaboration is becoming a new currency for progress, and we hope for this meeting to become an annual opportunity to enhance our collective knowledge. Missions and small projects alike are becoming more software and data intensive, so this is a good time to bolster our community and learn from each other. Submissions to the meeting will be captured and archived online as a Zenodo collection.

The meeting is Oct 9-11, 2023 and will be in Laurel, MD USA at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. It is adjacent to the IHDEA  (https://ihdea.net<https://ihdea.net/>) meeting (Oct 12-13, same venue).

Abstract submission is now open. Deadline for abstracts is Aug. 31, 2023.

Registration for DASH and the IHDEA meeting will open in July.

Jon Vandegriff (jon.vandegriff at jhuapl.edu) on behalf of the DASH organizing committee
Sandy Antunes, Brian Thomas, Jack Ireland, Julie Barnum, James McAteer, Arnaud Masson

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