CEDAR email: SHIELD Webinar: Peggy Shea, “The Road Taken: My Journey in Space Physics from IGY (1957) to the Present”.

Gross, Nicholas gross at bu.edu
Fri Jan 13 09:36:19 MST 2023

Please join us for the next SHIELD Webinar on Friday, Jan. 20th at 2pm ET to hear
Dr. Peggy Shea talk titled, “The Road Taken:

My Journey in Space Physics from IGY (1957) to the Present”.

Dr. Shea will discuss her journey in the space physics research starting with the

International Geophysical Year 1957 to the present. She will discuss her educational experience as one of three women in her class in the late 1950’s, the supportive mentors she found, and how space physics has evolved over the course of her career.

Register here: https://bostonu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8sYLwV14R4OOY3NFrzJoLg

SHIELD Website: https://sites.bu.edu/shield-drive/outreach-2/webinars/

Best Regards,
Dr. Nicholas Gross  (he/him)
Senior Research Scientist, Center for Space Physics, Boston University
Dep. Dir. For Broadening Impacts, SHIELD DRIVE Science Center (https://shielddrivecenter.com)
Program Chair for Cultivating Ensembles 2022 (https://www.cultivatingensembles.org)

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