CEDAR email: MEETING: ISTP Workshop May 8-10 at JHU/APL

Kepko, Emil Lawrence (GSFC-6750) larry.kepko at nasa.gov
Thu Jan 12 12:16:43 MST 2023

Please save the date for an International Solar Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Workshop to be held at JHU/APL May 8-10.

The goal of this workshop is to engage the worldwide Heliosphysics community to discuss how we could organize our discipline under a common scientific framework, and provide a forum for coordination, planning, and strategy. The idea for this workshop grew out of the COSPAR Task Group on establishing an International Geospace Systems Program (TGIGSP), which has now evolved into a larger desire to constitute a grass-roots version of the original ISTP program, unifying the Sun-Heliosphere and Geospace communities. Such an international program could help to coalesce our discipline around a common scientific framework, and help coordinate current and future observations, programs, and initiatives to holistically study our interconnected system-of-systems to answer fundamental science questions within our discipline.

Example of potential topics include:

  *   GDC+DYNAMIC and establishing the ITM Great Observatory
  *   Coordination of solar observations at all latitudes and longitudes, including space- and ground-based
  *   The mesoscale magnetosphere and heliosphere
  *   Community tools & methods (e.g. pyspedas, sunpy), AI/ML
  *   Next generation numerical simulations across the heliosphere
  *   Future mission coordination and ground-based coordination
  *   Data standards, archiving, and data access

This workshop is intended to be responsive to the needs of the community. Therefore, if you are interested in helping to organize or lead a session, or simply have topical suggestions, please email the lead organizers. International participation is eagerly encouraged.

Larry Kepko (NASA GSFC), George Ho (JHU/APL), Yoshifum Saito (JAXA), and Louise Harra (PMOD/WRC)

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