CEDAR email: Solar and Space Physics (Heliophysics) Decadal Survey Update and Call for White Papers

Robyn Millan Robyn.Millan at dartmouth.edu
Mon Jun 27 10:41:05 MDT 2022

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine are pleased
to announce that the third decadal survey in solar and space physics
(heliophysics) is underway. The President of the National Academy of
Sciences has appointed Dr. Stephen A. Fuselier and Dr. Robyn M. Millan to
serve as co-chairs of the steering committee. The survey will be managed by
a steering committee that will be supported by several study panels and
possibly additional cross-disciplinary working groups.

The survey is calling for white papers to inform the work of the steering
committee and panels. White papers may focus on one or more science goals;
notional instruments, missions, or ground-based investigations; or issues
of broad concern to the community. The due date for white papers is *August
18, 2022*. The decadal survey’s statement of task, details of the call for
white papers, biographical information for the co-chairs, and FAQs are on
the survey’s webpage at https://nas.edu/ssphdecadal .

For questions that are not addressed on the survey website, please send
emails to the survey email address at SSPHDecadal at nas.edu

Robyn Millan, Stephen Fuselier, Abigail Sheffer, and Art Charo
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