CEDAR email: International Space Scince School in the National Institute for Space Research - INPE, Brazil
Marlos Rockenbach da Silva
marlos.silva at inpe.br
Fri Jul 29 12:02:47 MDT 2022
Dear CEDAR CSSC Members
We are organizing the International Space Scince School in the National Institute for Space Research - INPE, Brazil, and we would like to disclose on the CEDAR mailing list. The information is in the folowing ( https://www.gov.br/inpe/en/events/colage/2022/isss ) :
(COLAGE Associated Event)
24 - 26 November 2022 – INPE
São José dos Campos – SP – Brazil
Description and History
The International Space Science School (ISSS) will take place from November 24 th to 26 th , 2022, at the headquarters of the National Institute for Space Research - INPE, in São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil . The ISSS is associated with XIII COLAGE (Latin American Conference on Spa ce Geophysics), promoted by ALAGE (Latin - American Space Geophysics Association - [ http://new-version.alage.org/ | http://new-version.alage.org/ ] ), with the aim of promoting knowledge and training for undergraduate, master's and doctora l candidates , from all over the world, in the area of Space Sciences. Historically, ALAGE promotes schools associated with COLAGEs, although their names and formats are not fixed. COLAGE events take place since 1988 every 2 to 3 years. The XIII COLAGE will also take place at INPE, right after the International Space Science School . In addition to ALAGE, the school has the support from the Space Geophysics Postgraduate Program at INPE, which is a postgraduate program of long last tradition and excellence.
Topics of the ISSS School:
The Sun and the Solar Activity
The Interplanetary Medium and the Solar Wind
The Magnetosphere
The Ionosphere
The Upper Atmosphere
Planetary Sciences
Space Weather
The school will take place over 3 full days, and should address two major topics per day, where introductory lecture s , given by an expert on the field, will be followed by specific shorter duration lectures on the same subject, which will deepen theoretical aspects, data analysis, simulations, and/or instrumentation.
The school will preferably be presential, however sanitary conditions may require adjustments. The existing infrastructure is prepared for a hybrid or virtual format should this be required.
Undergraduate students, Masters and Doctoral candidates from the field of Space Sciences who have interest or are developing their research in topics related, but not limited to, those listed above are welcome to apply for the ISSS school. There will be a maximum number of attendants, although this number is yet to be defined.
Since there will be a maximum number of attendants, there will be a selection process based on the applications received. Candidates are required to submit within their application s :
Short CV, which states the applicant’s education (including the ongoing education, if that is the case), publications, presentations and participations in scientific conferences.
A presentation letter from the applicant in which he/she presents, in English, his/her interests in the ISSS School as well as the foreseen applications for the knowledge he/she intends to gain.
Possibilities of external funding that the applicant may have access for attend ing the ISSS School.
** Applications should be sent to [ mailto:isss.colage2022 at gmail.com | isss.colage2022 at gmail.com ] (with copy to [ mailto:isss at inpe.br | isss at inpe.br ] ).
** Application deadline: August 12 th , 2022.
The local organizing committee will put a strong effort in providing affordable housing options during ISSS School.
Local organizing committee:
Alisson Dal Lago - INPE
Marlos Rockenbach da Silva - INPE
Livia Ribeiro Alves - INPE
Sony Su Chen - INPE
My best regards:
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