CEDAR email: AGU Fall Meeting 2022 - SA015 - Leveraging Multi-Point and Multi-Source Observations to Advance Frontier ITM Science

Tomoko Matsuo tomoko.matsuo at colorado.edu
Fri Jul 22 15:29:13 MDT 2022

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the AGU Fall Meeting 2022 session - SA015 - Leveraging Multi-Point and Multi-Source Observations to Advance Frontier ITM Science<https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm22/prelim.cgi/Session/161686>.

This session solicits papers that address outstanding problems in ITM science by taking advantage of multi-point and multi-source observations from current and planned observing systems, such as COSMIC, Iridium, Swarm, GOLD, ICON, EZIE, AWE, GDC, and DYNAMIC, as well as distributed arrays of small instruments (DASI, including incoherent and coherent scatter radars, ionosondes, Fabry-Perot interferometers, all-sky imagers, GPS/GNSS and RF receivers, lidars, and magnetometers). Papers focusing on data analysis techniques and modeling that extend the capability of observing systems are also solicited. How the ITM system responds to and regulates the direct effects of solar and magnetospheric forcing from above and wave forcing from below is complex and manifests simultaneously in multiple ITM parameters at multiple locations in a highly orchestrated manner. This session's goal is to demonstrate the criticality of multi-point and multi-source observations to advance frontier ITM science.

Please consider submitting your abstract to the session and join the community's discussion on how to advance frontier ITM science by leveraging multi-point and multi-source observations. The confirmed invited speakers include Christine Gabrielse (Aerospace Corporation) and Larisa Goncharenko (MIT Haystack). Let us know if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Tomoko Matsuo (University of Colorado Boulder)
Douglas Rowland (NASA)
Katrina Bossert (Arizona State University)

Tomoko Matsuo
Associate Professor
Ann and H.J. Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences
3775 Discovery Drive, CCAR 429 UCB
University of Colorado at Boulder, CO 80303-0429
tomoko.matsuo at colorado.edu<mailto:tomoko.matsuo at colorado.edu>  | 303-735-7144 (v) | 303-492-7881 (f)

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