CEDAR email: AGU Fall 2022 Session SH018: Data and Scientific Analysis Capabilities for the Evolving Scientific Needs of the Heliophysics Community

Pesnell, W Dean (GSFC-6710) william.d.pesnell at nasa.gov
Wed Jul 13 12:58:26 MDT 2022

Abstracts of presentations are requested for session SH018 at the Fall 2022 Meeting of the AGU. With a growing amount of data in archives throughout Heliophysics, we are looking for ideas on the scientific capabilities of those archives. Examples of usability in current archives are welcome as are dreams of what future archives should offer. Please submit your abstract in this area to this session.

The volume and complexity of heliophysics data from satellites now rivals that of ground-based observatories. NASA missions are required to provide their science data to a permanent data archive that ensures access to the data in perpetuity. While these archives are being designed and built, we have a unique opportunity to provide ideas on the design and operation of this archive. Besides assuring access to the data and search tools to isolate relevant data, an archive could offer computational services (primarily to reduce the amount of data that must be served) and subsetting services (again reducing the amount of transferred data). Other services could include metadata searches and computational services for individual research efforts. Papers are solicited in the area of heliophysics data archives and their implementation.

Details are at https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm22/prelim.cgi/Session/161911

The AGU Fall Meeting will occur December 12--16, in Chicago, IL, https://www.agu.org/Fall-Meeting

Abstracts are due by August 3 and can be submitted at https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm22/prelim.cgi/Home/0

Dean Pesnell
For the convenors

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