CEDAR email: Next ISWI WEBINAR SERIES announcement

Maria Graciela Molina gmolina at herrera.unt.edu.ar
Sun Aug 14 07:23:17 MDT 2022

 Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the next ISWI Seminar by *Dr. Lucia Kleint*
scheduled for* August 31st at 3 PM Central European Time (9 AM EDT; 6:30 PM

To register for this virtual seminar, please send an email to:
*iswisupport at bc.edu
<iswisupport at bc.edu>.* Please include “ISWI Seminar Registration” in the
subject line. There is a limit of 300 participants, so please register your
interest as soon as possible. The MS Teams link will be sent to registered
participants 2 days before the event.

Seminars will be recorded. Please visit the youtube channel of the United
Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs where the recording of the previous
seminars are available. The playlist which will also include future
sessions can be accessed through the following link:

With kind regards,
Graciela Molina
on behalf of the ISWI Seminar Committee

*Title:* Solar FLares and Space Weather
*Speaker:* Dr Lucia Kleint
*Abstract:* Eruptions on the Sun, called solar flares, are extremely
powerful. Their violent nature and influence on Earth were realized in 1859
when English astronomer R. Carrington suddenly saw an unexpected
brightening on the Sun. Lasting only a few minutes on the Sun, the event
was followed by intense space weather with auroras seen as far south as
Hawaii, and by failures of telegraph systems, whose operators suffered from
electric shocks.
Research in flare physics has determined that the energy stored in the
solar magnetic field is powering the eruptions. Particles accelerated
during magnetic reconnection events precipitate into interplanetary space,
but also towards the solar surface where they cause many observable
phenomena, such as heating, mass motions, and emission in the whole
electromagnetic spectrum. Large solar eruptions are the main causes of
severe space weather events, which can affect satellites and communication.
In this presentation, I will give a closer look on the origins of space
weather and the current research on solar flares.

[image: ISWI Seminar Series (3).png]

*Dra. María Graciela Molina*
Professor FACET -UNT
Researcher CONICET
Associated researcher INGV

Av. Independencia 1800, Tucumán - Argentina
Tel: +54-381-4364093 (ext.7765)
gmolina at herrera.unt.edu.ar /
*m.graciela.molina at gmail.com* <m.graciela.molina at gmail.com>
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