CEDAR email: Help nominate your deserving but overlooked colleagues for AGU Honors and Awards

Seth Claudepierre seth.claudepierre at ucla.edu
Sun Oct 31 07:31:59 MDT 2021

The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Nomination Task Force (NTF) is
about to begin its 5th year of work. The NTF was formed in 2017 to nominate
our deserving but overlooked SPA colleagues and put their work in front of
awards and honors committees. Simply put, we believe that diversity is the
foundation from which good science flourishes. Unfortunately, there are
many barriers that prevent scientists in historically marginalized groups
from being considered for awards and honors at an equitable level across
STEM fields. We emphasize that the goal of the NTF is not to change the
criteria for selection of AGU Fellows and other honors and awards; it is to
increase the nomination rate of scientists from historically marginalized
groups to a level that is more representative of the SPA membership.

Are you interested in helping out? If so, please join our mailing list to
receive updates and telecon information: https://forms.gle/8n1Znbbvq3MrZWZU8.
Our next Zoom telecon will be held Monday, November 15th at 3p Eastern

More information on the NTF, including an FAQ, can be found at our website:

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.

Seth Claudepierre (he/him)
NTF Chair, 2021-2022
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