CEDAR email: STP-15 Symposium - Abstract Submission Closing Soon!!

GURUBARAN SUBRAMANIAN gurubaran.s at iigm.res.in
Sat Oct 2 04:06:49 MDT 2021

Dear Colleagues, 

The SCOSTEP 15th Quadrennial Solar-Terrestrial Physics (STP-15) Symposium will take place in a fully online mode during February 21 -25, 2022, to be hosted by the Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, India. On behalf of the SOC and LOC, we are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract and join the symposium. A one-day Workshop on Solar-Terrestrial Physics for Students and Young Scientists (STEPSYS) will be organized on February 20 , 2022, covering a range of topics and catering to the Ph.D. students and early career scientists working on STP related topics. Please check below for further details. 

Abstract Submission closing by 5th October 2021 . 

With our best regards, 

S Gurubaran 
Chair, LOC 

15th Quadrennial Solar-Terrestrial Physics Symposium (STP-15) - [ https://stp15.in/ | https://stp15.in ] 
February 21 -25, 2022 (Fully online) 
Hosted by Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Navi Mumbai, India 

The Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP) organizes the Solar-Terrestrial Physics (STP) symposia once every four years. The ongoing program of SCOSTEP, namely, the Predictability of the variable Solar-Terrestrial Coupling (PRESTO), addresses the predictability component of those phenomena that have impact on the Sun -Earth system as a whole in various time scales. 

Session 1. Overarching topics in Sun -Earth connection 
Conveners: Ramon Lopez, Eugene Rozanov, Jie Zhang, M. Venkat Ratnam 

Session 2. PRESTO Pillar 1: Sun , Planetary Space, and Geospace 
Conveners: Allison Jaynes, Emilia Kilpua, Spiros Patsourakos, Nandita Srivastava 

Session 3. PRESTO Pillar 2: Space Weather and Earth’s Atmosphere 
Conveners: Loren Chang, Duggirala Pallamraju, Nick Pedatella 

Session 4. PRESTO Pillar 3: Solar Activity and its Influence On Climate 
Conveners: Odele Coddington, Jie Jiang, Stergios Misios, Subramanian Gurubaran 

Session 5. Space Weather Prediction and Implementation 
Conveners: Kyung-Suk Cho, Peter Pilewskie, Pravata Mohanty 

Session 6. Modeling, Database and Data Analysis Tools for Solar-Terrestrial Physics 
Conveners: Daniel Marsh, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Annika Seppälä 

Session 7. New ground- and space-based initiatives for Solar-Terrestrial Physics 
Conveners: Jorge Chau, Renata Lukianova, Nat Gopalswamy 

Session 8: Special session on “Geomagnetism- The connecting link between Sunand Earth” 
Conveners: Geeta Vichare, Gopi Seemala, Jurgen Matzka, Masahito Nose 

Workshop on Solar-Terrestrial Physics for Students and Young Scientists (STEPSYS) 

STEPSYS workshop will be organized one day prior to the STP-15 symposium, i.e., on February 20 , 2022. The objective of this workshop is to invite eminent scientists from the STP community worldwide to give tutorials/lectures to students and young scientists on topics related to Solar – Earth connections. The tentative topics include the following. 

The Sun , its interior and its atmosphere 
Solar eruptions and their impact on Geospace 
Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling 
Atmosphere - Ionosphere Coupling 
Solar influence on climate variability 
Space weather effects on technological systems 
Instruments and upcoming space missions for STP research 
Web-based tools for space weather monitoring, analysis and forecasting 

Lectures will typically have a time duration of 45 min and will be aimed at Ph.D. students and early career scientists working on STP related topics. The lectures would provide a solid foundation for the participants who would be essentially non-specialists in these areas. 

This workshop is only for the registered participants of STP-15 symposium. 

S Gurubaran 
Indian Institute of Geomagnetism 
New Panvel (W) 
Navi Mumbai 410 218, INDIA 

Tel: +91-22-27484227 
Email: gurubaran.s at iigm.res.in 

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