CEDAR email: PITHIA-NRF Call for Trans-National Access projects

Ingemar Häggström ingemar.haggstrom at eiscat.se
Thu Jul 15 02:28:02 MDT 2021

(Apologies for cross-posting, but please forward to colleagues/redistribute)

*PITHIA-NRF Trans-National Access (TNA) 1^st Call*

PITHIA-NRF (Plasmasphere Ionosphere Thermosphere Integrated Research 
Environment and Access services: a Network of Research Facilities) 
invites applications for access to a variety of research facilities for 
studies and modelling of physical processes acting in the Earth’s upper 
atmosphere, with support from experts within the field. There are twelve 
nodes within PITHIA-NRF all dedicated to investigating the plasmasphere, 
ionosphere and/or thermosphere.

The access can be *physical access* (one-week visit with travel and 
accommodation included) or *remote access* (one-month remote access with 
weekly support). The available services or resources are limited, and a 
competitive process is required following a defined procedure and 
criteria for the selection of users.

*Project opportunities:*

Information of project opportunities and description of the nodes are 
available at https://pithia-nrf.eu/tna/tna-calls/fisrt-tna-call 
<https://pithia-nrf.eu/tna/tna-calls/fisrt-tna-call>. We encourage any 
potential applicants to discuss with the relevant node about the project 
before submitting their proposals. The TNA Support Centre 
(tna at pithia-nrf.eu <mailto:tna at pithia-nrf.eu>) at PITHIA-NRF can help 
establishing contact points with the nodes.


The call is open from *15 July 2021* until the deadline *30 September 
2021*. The application can be submitted at any time between these dates.


Access is provided for science projects to users from Academia, Small 
and Medium Enter­prises, Industry, and Public Organisations.


The application should be filled in and submitted using the online form 
<https://pithia-nrf.eu/forms/tna-application-form>). After submission, 
eligibility and feasibility checks will be performed followed by the 
scientific evaluation. Follow the instructions at 
https://pithia-nrf.eu/tna/tna-calls <https://pithia-nrf.eu/tna/tna-calls>.


TNA Support Centre: tna at pithia-nrf.eu <mailto:tna at pithia-nrf.eu>

/                EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme Grant 
Agreement No 101007599/

Dr. Ingemar Häggström
Head of Operations, EISCAT Scientific Association
Mail address:     Box 812, SE-98128 Kiruna, Sweden
Visiting address: Bengt Hultqvist väg 1, SE-98192 Kiruna, Sweden
Phone: +46 98079155  Cell: +46 703212083

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