CEDAR email: Call for ESWW17 abstracts, deadline July 9th, session swr04 Ionospheric interactions

Wojciech Jacek Miloch w.j.miloch at fys.uio.no
Tue Jul 6 13:00:49 MDT 2021

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to consider submitting abstracts to the 17th European Space Weather Week (ESWW17), which will be held from 25 to 29 October 2021 as a fully hybrid meeting (with in-person and online attendance) in Glasgow, UK (http://esww17.iopconfs.org/Home).

Abstract can be submitted using this link (Call for abstracts closes on July 9th, 2021):

We invite you in particular to consider session swr04 Ionospheric interactions

Luca Spogli (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia) and Wojciech Miloch (University of Oslo)

The session addresses the space weather effects in the ionosphere with a particular consideration of ionospheric irregularities. Ionospheric irregularities are variations in the plasma density with respect to the ambient ionosphere that may vary on a large range of scale sizes: from centimeters up to a few hundreds of kilometers. They can impact the propagation of radiowaves, and hence pose a serious threat to the operations of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) reliant services. Large scale irregularities (above few hundreds of meters) result in phase fluctuations of the GNSS signals, triggered by signal refraction through the ionospheric medium, while small scales (below few hundreds of meters) result in amplitude and phase scintillations, triggered by diffraction. Beside GNSS signals, also HF communications are meaningfully degraded by the presence of ionospheric irregularities.

Modeling and forecasting the occurrence of the ionospheric irregularities and their impact on radio systems is still an open challenge to the scientific community in the context of prediction and mitigation of space weather effects. Currently, different instruments support space weather studies of the ionosphere: from ground-based observations (TEC and scintillation receivers, coherent and incoherent scatter radars, magnetometers, all-sky-imagers) to in-situ measurements provided by LEO satellites and sounding rockets.

This year we are placing a specific focus on the polar ionosphere, being the privilege site to study the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction. Contributed papers may address (but are not limited to) recent developments in modelling and forecasting, monitoring methodologies, data analysis (especially based on multi-instrument observations), measurement campaigns and international initiatives related to the understanding of ionospheric structures, morphology, dynamics and related threats on systems, at all latitudes. Contributions related to high latitudes are encouraged.

With kind regards,
The session convenors


 Wojciech J. Miloch
 Head of Section for Plasma and Space Physics
 Leader of 4DSpace Strategic Research Initiative
 e-mail: w.j.miloch at fys.uio.no<mailto:w.j.miloch at fys.uio.no>

 Department of Physics
 University of Oslo
 P.O. Box 1048 Blindern
 N-0316 Oslo, Norway

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