CEDAR email: Fantastic Opportunity for CEDAR Students: 2021 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due April 1st.

Ryan McGranaghan ryan.mcgranaghan at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 18:04:26 MST 2021

Hi CEDAR-goers

Every year JPL holds the Planetary Science Summer School (see announcement
below) as a way to train those who want to be involved in future space
missions. It's a fantastic opportunity to learn the process of mission
design from one of the premier groups at doing it: JPL's Team X

Highly recommended for scientists and engineers across different stages of
your career (student, early, or mid).


2021 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Now Due April 1st.

Offered by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA, PSSS is a 3-month
long career development experience to learn the development of a
hypothesis-driven robotic space mission in a concurrent engineering
environment while getting an in-depth, first-hand look at mission design,
life cycle, costs, schedule and the trade-offs inherent in each.

Science and engineering doctoral candidates, recent PhDs, postdocs, and
junior faculty who are U.S. Citizens or legal permanent residents (and a
very limited number of Foreign Nationals from non-designated countries) are
eligible. Applicants from diverse backgrounds are particularly encouraged
to apply.

Session 1: May 24-Aug 6

Session 2: May 24-Aug 20

With workload of a rigorous 3-hour graduate-level course, participants
spend the first 10 weeks in preparatory webinars acting as a science
mission team, and spend the final culminating week mentored by JPL’s
Advance Project Design Team to refine their planetary science mission
concept design and present it to a mock expert review board.  The
culminating week is typically at JPL, however in 2021 it is likely to be
virtual due to Covid-19 pandemic conditions.

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