CEDAR email: COSPAR C1.6 Session on Whole Atmosphere Models for Space Weather Applications

Tim Fuller-Rowell - NOAA Affiliate tim.fuller-rowell at noaa.gov
Thu Dec 23 15:39:56 MST 2021

Could I please post this announcement on the CEDAR mailing list.
Many thanks!!
Tim Fuller-Rowell

Re: COSPAR Session C1.6 on "Developments and use of Upper Atmosphere and
Whole Atmosphere Models for Space Weather Applications”

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the COSPAR C1.6 Session on
"Developments and use of Upper Atmosphere and Whole Atmosphere Models for
Space Weather Applications” and encourage you to submit an abstract by
Friday, 11 February 2022.  The 44th COSPAR SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLY takes place
in Athens, Greece, from 16 – 24 July 2022 (https://www.cospar-assembly.org).
Please consider that submissions are limited to not more than one solicited
abstract and two contributed abstracts on which the submitter is the lead

Session description:

The accuracy required of operational thermosphere-ionosphere models is
presently not reached for a number of reasons. This session aims at
presenting the recent advances in ionosphere, thermosphere, coupled upper
atmosphere and Whole Atmosphere Modeling, and recommendations for future
research and developments, as well as observational requirements. The
topics include modeling and forecasting of the ionosphere, MLT and/or
thermosphere, model validation and assessment, data requirements and data
assimilation techniques, response of the mesosphere-thermosphere-ionosphere
to forcing from the lower atmosphere, analysis of specific events (e.g.,
geomagnetic storms, SSW). Papers on the use of physic-based
atmosphere-ionosphere models for prediction of neutral density,plasma
density, and plasma irregularities are particularly welcome.


Session Conveners: Sean Bruinsma and Tim Fuller-Rowell

sean.bruinsma at cnes.fr <Norbert.Jakowski at dlr.de>

Tim.Fuller-Rowell at noaa.gov
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