CEDAR email: Post-Doctoral Fellowship Position in Space Sciences at ISSI

Astrid Maute maute at ucar.edu
Thu Dec 9 06:50:07 MST 2021

*Post-Doctoral Fellowship Position in Space Sciences*

The International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern, Switzerland,
invites applications
for a *Post-Doctoral Fellowship Position in Space Sciences* for a two-year
period, ideally starting in April 2022 (or by agreement). The successful
candidate should have received a Ph.D. within the last five year in the
field related to space sciences. Applications related to space physics, or
to solar system sciences, or to astronomy & astrophysics are particularly

The successful candidate is expected to pursue their own independent
research program and will have the opportunity to participate in ISSI’s
research and activities. They are encouraged to collaborate also with the
scientific staff of the Institute. ISSI also provides the possibility to
participate to or even lead an international team at ISSI. The successful
candidate will thus interact at ISSI with
a large and varied community of scientists from all over the world.
Additionally, ISSI encourages cooperation with Swiss universities.

Salary and conditions of employment will be similar to those provided by
the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF salary ranges
Nationals from ESA Member States
shall have priority.

Further information may be obtained from the ISSI home page (
and from Prof. Dr. Maurizio Falanga, email: mfalanga at issibern.ch.

The application (to be submitted as a single pdf-file) should comprise a
cover letter (max. 1 page), an outline of the research plan (max. 5 pages),
a curriculum vitae, (max. 2 pages), a list of publications, and the names
and contact addresses of three potential references.  Letters of reference
will be requested by ISSI for candidates on the short list.

All applications must be received by ISSI no later than *January 31,
2022, *through
the online submission form at https://www.issibern.ch/postdoc-application/
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