CEDAR email: Job Opening: Development of Ground-to-Space Atmospheric Prediction Model (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC)

Eckermann, Stephen stephen.eckermann at nrl.navy.mil
Thu Apr 8 11:53:22 MDT 2021



The Space Science Division of the US Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in
Washington, DC seeks a highly motivated individual to immediately join a
cross-disciplinary multi-institutional research team, tasked with rapidly
developing and validating a new state-of-the-art global numerical model of
the neutral atmosphere extending from the ground to 400 km altitude, for
high-resolution forecasting of the deep atmosphere for terrestrial and
space-weather applications. The successful candidate will join a strong team
of research scientists already in place at NRL and partner institutions that
builds upon NRL's institutional expertise in high-altitude atmospheric model
development for new and improved operational environmental prediction
capabilities for the globally deployed Navy.


The new atmospheric model is based on an emerging Navy dynamical core that
solves the deep-atmosphere nonhydrostatic equations on the sphere using
spectral element (SE) methods. The candidate will work primarily with a
group at NRL DC developing and validating new upper-atmospheric (mesospheric
and thermospheric) components of the model, including dynamics and physical
parameterizations that respond to solar and geomagnetic forcings. The
candidate will conduct high-resolution model experiments on massively
parallel high-performance computers to test and validate new model physics
and grids (e.g., static mesh refinement). In the process, the candidate may
also collaborate with other project research teams located at NRL DC and
elsewhere that are focusing on the model's lower altitudes, high-altitude
data assimilation capabilities, and physical coupling to ionospheric models.


We seek a self-motivated candidate eager to study upper-atmospheric dynamics
and physics relevant to short-term prediction, to develop efficient
algorithms of these processes, to integrate them as new computer code within
the evolving infrastructure of the new model, then to run and validate the
new model in real-world whole-atmosphere scenarios. A Ph.D. in atmospheric
science, computational fluid dynamics, physics, or a related discipline, is
therefore preferred. Ability and willingness to work in the environment of a
large, diverse and geographically distributed team, to achieve collective
team goals and deliver specific monthly, quarterly and annual reporting
milestones, are essential. Programming skills are required in working with a
complex modern highly-scalable Fortran code using up to 1 million processors
per run. Candidates with interests or expertise in applying modern coding
practices on new and emerging supercomputing architectures are particularly
encouraged to apply, though lack of expertise in such areas is not


Interested U.S. citizens or permanent residents should directly contact
Steve Eckermann (stephen.eckermann at nrl.navy.mil
<mailto:stephen.eckermann at nrl.navy.mil> ) with questions about the position.
Applications will be accepted until 20 April 2021 or until the position is
filled.  NRL is an equal opportunity employer.





CODE 7631


TEL: (202) 404-1299; FAX: (202) 404-1767

 <https://www.nrl.navy.mil/> https://www.nrl.navy.mil


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