CEDAR email: Talks posted for workshop, ‘Status and Needs: Thermospheric Winds’

Dandenault, Patrick B. Patrick.Dandenault at jhuapl.edu
Fri Jun 26 12:27:27 MDT 2020

Dear CEDAR community,

Thank you for participating in our CEDAR workshop yesterday, ‘2020 Workshop: Status and Needs Thermospheric Winds’.  It was a great success.

The talks are now posted at the workshop webpage:

Best regards,
Pat, Brian, Steve, and Sovit

1. Patrick Dandenault (JHU/APL)
2. Brian Harding (SSL/Berkeley)
3. Steve Kaeppler (Clemson U)
4. Sovit Khadka (NJIT)

Patrick Dandenault, PhD
Space Physics Research (SRG)
JHU/APL, 200-W260
11100 Johns Hopkins Rd, Laurel, MD 20723
Office: 240-228-6967

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