CEDAR email: Grand Challenge: Poynting Flux session - virtual attendance information
Chartier, Alex T.
Alex.Chartier at jhuapl.edu
Fri Jun 19 12:14:38 MDT 2020
Dear All,
Please see below for information on attending the CEDAR session on Poynting flux next Thursday 11:30 - 1:30 MST (UTC-6). The agenda is as follows:
Start Time (UTC - 6) Presenter Title
11:30 Anderson Electromagnetic Energy Input to the High Latitude Ionosphere and Thermosphere: Fundamental Concepts, Challenges and Prospects
11:48 Knipp DMSP-derived Poynting flux in dynamic auroral boundary coordinates
12:06 LaMarche Observations of Ion Heating with the Resolute Bay Incoherent Scatter Radar
12:24 Matsuo Assimilative Mapping of Geospace Observations (AmGEO): Data Science Tools for Collaborative Geospace Systems Science
12:42 Bristow High resolution potential estimates from SuperDARN
13:00 Buchert Entangled Dynamos and Joule Heating In the Earth's Ionosphere
13:18 Weimer Empirical models of the Poynting flux and Applications
13:30 Sheng GITM simulations with high-resolution SuperDARN convection pattern
Grand Challenge: Poynting Flux session
Scheduled: Jun 25, 2020 at 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Location: https://jhuapl.zoomgov.com/j/1608579182?pwd=V2kzcVBocXNxekFOTGdKZGNTa1pIdz09
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