CEDAR email: AGU Session SA017 - Science from an ITM CubeSat constellation

Klenzing, Jeffrey (GSFC-6750) jeffrey.klenzing at nasa.gov
Wed Jul 8 13:47:50 MDT 2020

Dear CEDAR Community,

We would like to invite you to our AGU eLightning session “Science from an ITM CubeSat constellation.”

The increased number of ITM CubeSat and nanosat missions provides a new opportunity to answer long-standing ITM science questions by treating these individual missions as an ad hoc constellation. Multiple missions are planned to launch over the next few years funded through multiple agencies both domestically and internationally. When grouped together, these missions can provide new insight into the dynamic nature and control mechanisms in the thin layer of ionized plasma between Earth’s atmosphere and space. The scientific value multiplies when analyzed alongside larger missions (such as ICON, GOLD, COSMIC-2) and ground networks (including imagers, GNSS, radar). This session invites papers on existing and future CubeSat and SmallSat missions, as well as science opportunities that will use the data from this ITM constellation to investigate the drivers of the variability of this region and coupling mechanisms.  The presentations will be followed by group discussion on strategies for future observations.

Abstract Deadline: July 29


Jeff Klenzing
Rebecca Bishop
James Spann
Charles Swenson
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