CEDAR email: COSPAR 43rd General Assembly: Session C2.3 call for Abstract

Yvan Orsolini yor at nilu.no
Sun Feb 16 09:58:46 MST 2020

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the session C2.3 on "Advances in External Forcing Studies for the Middle Atmosphere and Lower Ionosphere " at the upcoming 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly (COSPAR-20) that will be held in Sydney, Australia, during August 15 - 22, 2020. 

Main Scientific Organizer: Yvan Orsolini (NILU, Norway), Deputy Organizer: Alessandro Damiani (Chiba University, Japan)

Please consider submitting your abstracts and encourage your colleagues to contribute and participate in C2.3 COSPAR session. The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to February 23, 2020.

For more details, please, visit the web page at https://www.cospar-assembly.org/

Please find below the call for abstracts to the C2.3 Session of COSPAR-2020.

Best regards, Yvan Orsolini and Alessandro Damiani
The event has a focus on new results concerning the middle atmosphere and lower ionosphere response to a variety of external forcings such as (but not restricted to) energetic particle precipitation (EPP) and solar UV variability during the solar cycle. Results comparing the solar forcing importance relative to other external forcings arising from natural variability (such as volcanic forcing) or to anthropogenic forcing are also welcome. Contributions related to the inter-comparison of coupled climate model responses to solar forcings are also invited.
This event is particularly is relevant for the international SPARC initiative SOLARIS-HEPPA investigating the solar influence on the middle atmosphere and climate (http://solarisheppa.geomar.de/), for the SCOSTEP VarSITI program (2014-2018) (Variability of the Sun and its Terrestrial Impact: http://www.varsiti.org/) and for SCOSTEP's new upcoming scientific program “Predictability of the Solar-Terrestrial Coupling” (PRESTO). Of special interests are the long and deep minima of 23rd solar cycle, the treatment of EPP in chemistry-climate models, and the climate system response to solar forcing and other natural variability forcings. Analyses of ground-based or satellite observations and of model simulations are welcome.

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