CEDAR email: Call for abstracts vEGU2021

Maosheng he he at iap-kborn.de
Fri Dec 4 08:14:53 MST 2020

Dear colleagues,

We invite researchers and students to submit abstracts to a session on
atmosphere-ionosphere coupling at vEGU 2021. vEGU21 will be a fully virtual
meeting and will be held on April 19-30, 2021. Please find details at




The abstract submission deadline is 13 January 2021, 13:00 CET. 

Looking forward to your contribution.

Kind regards,

Maosheng He, Yosuke Yamazaki, and Larisa Goncharenko



Vertical coupling in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere system

Convener: Maosheng He | Co-conveners: Larisa Goncharenko, Yosuke Yamazaki

Abstract submission

Earth's atmosphere-ionosphere system is a stratified and vertically
structured mix of gases that comprise different layers, i.e., the
troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere, and its ionized
part, the ionosphere. These layers are characterized by different
combinations of dynamics, e.g., fluid-dynamic, chemical, and
electrodynamical processes. The processes are coupled through various
mechanisms, e.g., atmospheric circulations, disturbances, and various waves.
The current session emphasizes the recent investigations of processes
driving or reflecting vertical coupling within the atmosphere-ionosphere
system in a broad range of spatial and temporal scales, such as atmospheric
and ionospheric response to various waves (planetary waves, tides, gravity
waves, etc.), transient phenomena (sudden stratospheric warming, seasonal
transition), recurring patterns like QBO and ENSO, long-term trends in the
middle and upper atmosphere and their drivers, and the relative importance
of atmospheric and solar/magnetospheric forcing in the upper and middle
atmosphere. This session invites contributions that discuss relevant
methodologies, theory, modeling, experiment, and observations of different
aspects of atmosphere-ionosphere coupling.


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