CEDAR email: Dear Colleague Letter: Request for Information on Data-Focused Cyberinfrastructure Needed to Support Future Data-Intensive Science and Engineering Research

Wiltberger, Michael J mwiltber at nsf.gov
Thu Oct 24 09:30:19 MDT 2019

This Request for Information (RFI) invites the community to provide input to NSF on specific data-intensive S&E research questions and challenges and the essential data-related CI services and capabilities needed to publish, discover, transport, manage and process data in secure, performant and scalable ways to enable that data-intensive research. Recognizing that data-oriented CI and services exist in many S&E disciplinary domains, NSF is particularly interested in understanding how broader cross-disciplinary and domain-agnostic solutions can be devised and implemented, along with the structural, functional and performance characteristics such cross-disciplinary solutions must possess. Such new CI services and capabilities should allow for seamless data integration and interoperability; support existing S&E drivers, users and usage modes; and foster the initiation of future modes of discovery. While no one technical solution will likely be able address the expansive S&E research enterprise that NSF supports, NSF is interested in understanding how different data-related CI solutions might support heterogenous ensembles of data-intensive disciplines - owing, for instance, to common requirements due to similarities in data set sizes, types and utilization workflows, or to novel shared goals for cross-disciplinary data integration and discovery. Note that NSF is especially interested in responses that build on existing and future data sources (including repositories) and address services for publishing, discovery, access, management and processing of the data.

The full text of the DCL and instructions for responding to the RFI can be found at

PDF - https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2020/nsf20015/nsf20015.pdf

HTML - https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2020/nsf20015/nsf20015.jsp

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