CEDAR email: Call for AGU Student Presentation Judges in Earth and Space Science Infomatics (IN)

Zavodsky, Bradley T. (MSFC-ST11) brad.zavodsky at nasa.gov
Mon Nov 5 08:44:36 MST 2018

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The 2018 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting is a little over a month away, 10-14 December 2018 in Washington, DC.  I am one of the Outstanding Student Presentation Awards (OSPA) liaisons for the Earth and Space Science Informatics (IN) Section and would like to direct you to an opportunity to contribute to this program by volunteering to act as a judge for student presentations.  OSPA provides valuable inputs to determine which presentations will receive awards and gives you an opportunity to interact with and provide guidance to student presenters to improve their future presentations.  Judges must be non-student AGU members attending the Fall Meeting.

There are a number of opportunities in the IN Section that need volunteers.  You can select up to 3 abstract to judge.  To volunteer, please follow these steps:

1.       Go to the OSPA website<http://send.agu.org/link.cfm?r=MauyMqwcnoHKNqiepAWHkQ~~&pe=eV_ZmS_3P5qEHE8sPuQIIF-aGupuXykbb7-NpjjqX0nXt7-BSsH6--nNH72ku0Bt7itb4jVMjW49a9bm_ac4uA~~&t=WLtW730DeK_I7M8JSy7Lsg~~>.

2.       Click on the button for "Judge Login".

3.       Review and agree to the honor code.  Log in with your AGU credentials.

4.       Click on the button for "Find Presentations".

5.       On the Find Presentations, page, you can either search for specific abstracts or sessions in the "Quick Search" feature or view all presentations that meet a specific section or day in the "General Search" feature.  To sign up for an abstract in the Earth and Space Science Informatics (IN) section, select this topic from the first drop-down menu.

6.       Once you have found an abstract that you would like to judge, click on the box on the right side of the abstract.  Then, click on the "Add to Schedule" button at the bottom of the page.  There are then options to add these judging responsibilities to your personal AGU schedule.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need help signing up.


Brad Zavodsky, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
brad.zavodsky at nasa.gov<mailto:brad.zavodsky at nasa.gov>
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