CEDAR email: CEDAR/GEM Workshop: Exploring the Geospace Frontier: Quo Vadis?

Jeffrey P Thayer Jeffrey.Thayer at colorado.edu
Tue May 31 15:03:32 MDT 2016

Dear CEDAR/GEM participants,

Please consider participation, by presentation or attendance, in the CEDAR/GEM Workshop: Exploring the Geospace Frontier: Quo Vadis? On June 21, Tuesday 1:30-3:30pm in Sweeny E/F room

Here, we will be convening a "Qui Vadis" workshop at the CEDAR/GEM meeting to continue discussions and receive input initiated at the  "Exploring the Geospace Frontier: Quo Vadis?" workshop held recently in Boulder on May 25-27. This CEDAR/GEM workshop takes advantage of the joint meeting to engage with those unable to attend the Quo Vadis? Workshop. The overall goal of this effort is to help shape the direction of research in geospace at the NSF with an emphasis on crystalizing a research program at the NSF on space weather. The workshop will focus on the experimental infrastructure required for discovery research in the 21st century, with consideration for both basic and applied research driven by cutting edge observations of the Sun-Earth system. We will develop strategies that can integrate geospace research across outmoded disciplinary boundaries and better align with national priorities. This workshop focuses on gaining input and perspective from the CEDAR/GEM community by addressing the following three questions:
*       What major gaps in scientific understanding or engineering capability limits our ability to describe Sun-Earth connections?
*       Where is discovery science likely to occur?
*       How can we predict the occurrence of, and reaction to, space weather?

The goals of the workshop are ambitious, and we anticipate a wide and diverse group of presenters and participants. In order to promote a successful outcome, we have adopted a format involving brief individual
presentations (of 5-minute duration) interspersed with panel discussions, with speakers serving as panelists. Please see the Workshop Charge with more details about the format and prepare accordingly:


If you would like to present in Santa Fe and did not already do so in Boulder, please contact one of the session conveners.

It is anticipated that a series of workshops in a multi-year effort will be carried out to help advance NSF geospace research, potentially culminating in an NSF/ MREFC proposal effort. The immediate goal of the workshop is the production of a report outlining key gaps in experimental infrastructure and a plan for subsequent workshops to specify instrumentation that can fill the gaps.

We look forward to seeing you at CEDAR/GEM.

David Hysell,  david.hysell at cornell.edu<mailto:david.hysell at cornell.edu>
Joshua Semeter, jls at bu.edu<mailto:jls at bu.edu>
Jeffrey Thayer, Jeffrey.Thayer at colorado.edu<mailto:Jeffrey.Thayer at colorado.edu>
Michael Wiltberger, wiltbemj at ucar.edu<mailto:wiltbemj at ucar.edu>

Jeff Thayer, Professor<http://www.colorado.edu/aerospace/thayer_jeffrey.html>
Director of the Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research<http://ccar.colorado.edu/>
Roubos Engineering Endowed Fellow
Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department<http://www.colorado.edu/aerospace/>
University of Colorado at Boulder
UCB 429, CCAR ECNT 316
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0429
Tel: 303-492-1764
fax: 303-492-7881
email: jeffrey.thayer at colorado.edu<mailto:jeffrey.thayer at colorado.edu>

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