CEDAR email: Exploring the Geospace Frontier: New Directions (Quo Vadis)

David Hysell david.hysell at cornell.edu
Fri Nov 13 07:44:30 MST 2015

Exploring the Geospace Frontier: New Directions

(Quo Vadis)

A workshop is being organized to help shape the direction of research in 
geospace system science. The workshop will focus on the experimental 
infrastructure required for discovery research in the 21st century, with 
consideration for both basic and applied research  driven by cutting 
edge observations of the system.  We will develop strategies that can 
integrate geospace research across outmoded disciplinary boundaries and 
better align with activities carried out by different federal and 
international agencies.

Initiatives to be considered during the workshop will span the Sun-Earth 
connection. Examples of unique geospace capabilities for the future to 
be discussed at the workshop would include the construction of a 
low-frequency, multi-static radar system capable of receiving echoes 
from the middle atmosphere through the ionosphere, plasmasphere, 
magnetosphere, and the Sun. This facility would also include advanced, 
high-power lidar systems as described by the "OASIS - Exploring the 
Interaction of the Earth's Atmosphere with Space" document. Another 
research-driving facility could be the COSMO suite of instrumentation to 
describe the multidimensional magneto-thermal environment of the solar 
atmosphere at the heart of the space weather enterprise.

The workshop will take place in the context of contemporary community 
strategic documents and also other major experimental initiatives in 
geospace including EISCAT_3D and current and planned NASA missions, and 
natural synergies and overlaps will be considered. We expect the 
workshop to culminate in an action plan for pursuing an NSF MREFC (Major 
Research Equipment and Facilities Construction) project to enable 
discovery science across the Geospace community.

The workshop will be sponsored by NSF and HAO/NCAR and is tentatively 
scheduled to take place in Boulder from May 25--27, 2016. A website for 
the workshop is available at


People interested in participating should contact one of the 
co-organizers listed below for more information.

David Hysell, Cornell University, david.hysell at cornell.edu
Scott McIntosh, High Altitude Observatory, mscott at uar.edu
Jeff Thayer, University of Colorado at Boulder, jeffrey.thayer at colorado.edu

David Hysell
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
3114 Snee Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
+1 607 255-0630
+1 607 254-4780 (F)

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