CEDAR email: Measurement Techniques in Solar and Space Physics (MTSSP) Conference

Susanne Demaree sdemaree at ucar.edu
Tue Mar 17 12:57:06 MDT 2015

*Measurement Techniques in Solar and Space Physics (MTSSP)*

*April 20-24 2015 - NCAR Center Green Campus, Boulder, CO*

Registration is open! - Early Bird Deadline: 10 April

This gathering was born out of the desire to collect in one place the
latest experiment technologies required for advancement of scientific
knowledge in the discipline of Solar and Space Physics.

There are two goals for this conference and the associated publication of
its content: (a) to describe measurement techniques and technology
development needed to advance high priority science in the fields of solar
and space physics, and (b) to provide a survey or reference of techniques
for in situ measurement and remote sensing of space plasmas.

For details and registration, please visit the site at

Thank you, Susanne


*Susanne Demaree*

*Web Developer | Marketing | Social Media*

P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO  80307
Phone: 303-497-8627

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