CEDAR email: Call for Proposals | NASA Living With a Star Institute Working Group
Susanne Demaree
sdemaree at ucar.edu
Tue Mar 17 12:42:16 MDT 2015
Announcing the NASA Living With a Star Institute Call for Proposals
2015 Topic Areas:
- Nowcasts of radiation storms (proton events) at energy levels that
could create a radiation hazard for aircrew and passengers
- Now-casts of atmospheric drag for LEO spacecraft
Proposal Deadline: 1 June 2015 *Purpose*
The goal of the NASA Living With a Star program is to “Develop the
scientific understanding necessary to enable the U.S. to effectively
address those aspects of the connected Sun-Earth system that directly
affects life and society.” Thus, the LWS program with its focus on the
basic science underlying all aspects of space weather and climate, acts as
a catalyst to bring the many research disciplines and applications
communities together to deepen the understanding of the system of systems
created by the Sun Earth connection. To that end, the LWS Institute Working
Groups will provide an opportunity for research and engineering community
from academia and industry from all over the world to contribute to the
evolution of Heliophysics.
The LWS Institutes are designed to facilitate a bridge between cutting-edge
heliophysics research and a societally relevant technology area that is
affected by space weather. They are small working group style meetings that
focus on well defined problems that demand intense, direct interactions
between colleagues in neighboring disciplines to encourage and facilitate a
deeper understanding of the variety of processes that link the Sun’s
magnetic variability (radiation, solar wind, energetic particles) to
Earth’s environment and atmosphere. Competitively selected working groups
will define cooperative new research that will make a critical difference
to this technology.
*An LWS Institute Working Group (WG) proposal will:*
- *Focus* on a particular technology area that will be positively
affected by space weather research advances,
- *Identify* a team that is composed of members who perform heliophysics
research that is relevant to the affected technology, who forecast or model
space weather for this technology, and who use (or who will use) this
technology (when it is successfully improved),
- *Describe* how the team will quantify and parameterize the magnitude
and pathways of the impacts on the affected technology and will scope the
new ranges of targeted research that accordingly will be needed, and
- *Articulate* the impacts of this targeted research by envisioning the
resulting, improved operational capability that will make a positive
difference to society.
*Please visit the LWS website for full details and Proposal requirements.*
- *http://www.vsp.ucar.edu/Heliophysics/lws-institute-apply.shtml
Thank you, Susanne
*Susanne Demaree*
*Web Developer | Marketing | Social Media*
P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307
Phone: 303-497-8627
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