CEDAR email: Space Weather Workshop Apr 14-17 2015; Abstracts due March 23, 2015
Howard Singer - NOAA Federal
howard.singer at noaa.gov
Fri Mar 6 12:04:13 MST 2015
2015 Space Weather Workshop
The 2015 Space Weather Workshop will be held April 14 - 17, in Boulder,
Colorado. This meeting will bring together customers, forecasters,
commercial service providers, international, and research communities to
focus on the impacts of space weather, on forecasting techniques, and on
recent scientific advances in predicting conditions in the space
The program will highlight space weather impacts in several areas,
including aviation, power grids, ionospheric disturbances, and geomagnetic
storms and their solar drivers. The conference will also include an update
on the national Space Weather Operations Research and Mitigation (SWORM)
task force effort underway at the White House.
We welcome a broad range of participation, including representatives from
research and development, operational organizations, and industries
impacted by space weather, including those from commercial airline,
electric power, satellite operations, and navigation/communication
Space Weather Workshop 2015 is co-sponsored by the NOAA Space Weather
Prediction Center, the NSF Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences,
and the NASA Heliophysics Division. Further details regarding the meeting
agenda, travel, registration and poster submission are available on our web
site: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ under the “Annual Meeting” button found at
the top of the page, or directly at:
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