CEDAR email: Space Weather Workshop Registration is now Open!!

Susanne Demaree sdemaree at ucar.edu
Thu Mar 5 15:24:04 MST 2015

Space Weather Workshop
April 13-17, 2015 - Boulder, Colorado

Space Weather Workshop is an annual conference that brings industry,
academia, and government agencies together in a lively dialog about space
weather. What began in 1996 as a conference for the space weather user
community, Space Weather Workshop has evolved into the Nation’s leading
conference on all issues relating to space weather.

Registration is now open at http://www.vsp.ucar.edu/events/sww.html
Important Deadlines

   - Poster and Presenter Abstract Submissions: March 23, 2015
   - Hotel room block reservations: March 22, 2015


*Susanne Demaree*

*Web Developer | Marketing | Social Media*

P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO  80307
Phone: 303-497-8627

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