CEDAR email: Program Officer position at NSF

Schmoltner, Anne-Marie aschmolt at nsf.gov
Mon Feb 23 12:38:44 MST 2015

Please share this new job opening.

JOB OPENING: Physical Scientist (Program Director)
   Geospace Facilities, NSF/GEO/AGS/Geospace Section

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is seeking a qualified candidate to fill the position of Program Director in the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS), Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) in Arlington, VA. The Geospace Facilities (GF) Program, located in the Geospace Section (GS), is responsible for managing major upper atmospheric science activities supported by the Foundation. The Program supports six large incoherent scatter radar facilities and the SuperDARN coherent scatter radar system. The incoherent scatter radars are located along a longitudinal chain from Greenland to Puerto Rico and Peru, as well as in Alaska and Northern Canada. The major goal of the GF Program is to promote basic research on the structure and dynamics of the Earth's upper atmosphere.
Research efforts utilizing these facilities have strong links to the GS science programs: Aeronomy, Magnetospheric Physics, Solar-Terrestrial Research, and Space Weather Research and Instrumentation. More information about the AGS can be found at http://www.nsf.gov/div/index.jsp?div=ags.
The responsibilities of the Program Director in AGS includes long-range planning and budget development for the areas of science represented by the program, the administration of the merit review process and proposal recommendations, the preparation of press releases, feature articles and materials describing advances in the research supported, and coordination and liaison with other programs in NSF, other Federal agencies and organizations. Additional duties and responsibilities include: Maintains a healthy balance of support for all the needs of the research and education enterprise through program, division, directorate, Foundation, or interagency activities; Manages program resources to provide optimal appropriate scientific judgment to insure integrity and consistency in the grant/declination process without conflict of interests, and with balance among appropriate subfields and institutions, and participation of all qualified scientists; and Manages an effective, timely merit review process, with attention to increasing the size and quality of the reviewer pools and insuring participation by women, minorities and disabled scientists.
Applicants must have a Ph.D. in physical science, or a related field, plus after award of the Ph.D., six or more years of successful research experience, research administration, and/or managerial experience in pertinent to the program are required. The successful applicant requires not only knowledge in the appropriate scientific disciplines but also a commitment to high scientific standards, considerable breadth of scientific interest and receptivity to new ideas. Also necessary are a strong sense of fairness, good judgment, and a high degree of personal integrity and ethics, decisiveness, and an ability to effectively lead teams across a variety of institutional cultures within Federal and state government agencies, legislative bodies, and private sector organizations.
Individuals interested in applying for this vacancy should check the
announcements: AGS-2015-0003
(Permanent; https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/395160700)
(Rotator; https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/395162600). The position requirements and application procedures are located on the NSF Home Page at www.nsf.gov/about/career_opps/. Hearing impaired individuals may call TDD 703-292-5090. Applications must be received by March 23, 2015.

Anne-Marie Schmoltner, Ph. D.      
Program Director, Aeronomy Program
Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Blvd., Ste 775
Arlington, VA 22230 
email:   aschmolt at nsf.gov
Phone: 703-292-4716

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