CEDAR email: CEDAR Prize nominations due Friday 6 March 2015 to Josh Semeter.

Semeter, Joshua L jls at bu.edu
Sat Feb 14 18:46:09 MST 2015

>From Josh Semeter <jls at bu.edu<http://bu.edu>>.

Nominations for the 2015 CEDAR Prize lecture are due Friday March 6 via email (text or attachment, any file format is fine) to Josh Semeter <jls at bu.edu<http://bu.edu>>.

A Prize Lecture nomination consists of three items:
* Name
* Paper Citation(s) centered on at least one peer-reviewed publication within the previous four years
* A brief statement of why the research is important.

The CEDAR Prize lecture was instituted in 1989 and honors an outstanding science contribution to CEDAR. The recipient of the award presents an invited 45 minute talk at the annual CEDAR meeting in June. The nomination is based on a research paper reported in a peer-reviewed publication within the previous four years.  A list of nomination criteria and past CEDAR Prize winners is at

(CSSC members are asked to make a nomination using a form on the CSSC wiki.)

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