CEDAR email: ICS-12 abstract submission deadline: extended to July 10

Kazuo Shiokawa shiokawa at stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp
Mon Jun 30 22:05:05 MDT 2014

The 12th International Conference on Substorms (ICS-12) 
(Nov.10-14, 2014 at Ise-Shima, Japan) 
- Abstract submission deadline is extended to July 10
From: Kazuo Shiokawa (shiokawa at stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp) 

The deadline of abstract submission and financial support request 
for ICS-12 is extended to July 10, 2014.   We encourage you to submit 
your latest results on the substorm science! 

title: The 12th International Conference on Substorms (ICS-12) 
date: November 10-14, 2014
venue: Ise-Shima Royal Hotel, Shima, Japan
web site: http://www.stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp/ICS-12/

Tutorial Speakers (confirmed): 
Syn-Ichi Akasofu (UAF)
Vassilis Angelopoulous (UCLA)
Dan Baker (LASP) 

Invited Speakers (confirmed): 
Slava Merkin, Stefan Kiehas, Iku Shinohara, Toshi Nishimura, Frank Toffoletto, 
Larry Kepko, Victor Sergeev, Lasse Clausen, Jesper Gjerloev, Steve Milan, 
Eija Tanskanen, Joachim Birn, Phil Pritchett, Pontus Brandt, Mike Henderson, 
Evgeny Panov, Jonathan Rae, Suzie Imber, and Barry Mauk

Description of the Conference: 
Over the half century since the first finding of the auroral substorm by Akasofu
(1964), auroral and magnetospheric substorm has been one of the main topic for
the scientists in space physics.  Not only giving the spectacular auroral view,
substorm contains various fundamental processes of plasma acceleration and
dissipation in the magnetosphere and the ionosphere.   Recent satellite missions
of THEMIS and Van Allen Probes as well as several modeling efforts are giving
more insights into the relationship between the mid-tail plasma sheet and the
inner magnetosphere and the relationship between substorms and storms.  Extended
ground imager, radar, and magnetometer arrays provide more complex dynamical
features of the magnetosphere during subtorms.

During ICS-12 we are going to highlight the most recent results in substorm
research.  Topical sessions may cover substorm processes in the tail,
interaction between the tail and the inner magnetosphere and ionosphere,
substorm currents and its dynamics, and the role of substorm in geospace
energetics, as well as the role of MHD and kinetic instabilities in substorms.
Other substorm-related researches are also welcomed, such as storm-substorm
relationship, ULF/ELF/VLF waves, and non-Earth substorm-like features.   Ample
opportunity will be given for discussions on the new results.

SOC of the ICS-12 
Olaf Amm, Eric Donovan, Mei-Ching Fok, Masaki Fujimoto, Karl-Heinz Glasmeier,
Akira Kadokura, Marc Lessard, Mark Lester, Rumi Nakamura, Yoshiharu Omura,
Andrei Runov, Mikhail Panasyuk, Ondrej Santolik, Jean-Andre Sauvaud, 
Kazuo Shiokawa (chair), Dave Sibeck, and Xiaogang Wang

This conference is sponsored by 
International Exchange program of the National Institute of 
   Communications Technology 
National Institute of Polar Research 
Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University  
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), 
   Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency 
Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University

This conference is in cooperation with 
SPeCIMEN (Specification and Prediction of the Coupled Inner-Magnetospheric
    Environment) of SCOSTEP/VarSITI (Variability of the Sun and Its Terrestrial
Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences 

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