CEDAR email: AOGS 2014 Session ST-2: Coupling processes in the mesosphere-thermosphere-ionosphere (MTI) system

Loren Chang loren at jupiter.ss.ncu.edu.tw
Fri Jan 10 10:09:21 MST 2014

Dear Colleagues, 

We would like to call your attention to session ST-2 at the 2014 Asia Oceania Geosciences Conference (AOGS 2014) on the coupling processes in the mesosphere-thermosphere-ionosphere (MTI) system, to be held from July 28-Aug. 1, 2014 in Sapporo, Japan.  

Presentations on ground and satellite observations, model simulations, instrument techniques related to the MTI coupling are all solicited.

We invite you to join us in Sapporo to share your exciting research results, and discuss future collaborations!


Huixin Liu (Kyushu University, Japan)
Loren Chang (National Central University, Taiwan)
Yuichi Otsuka (Nagoya University, Japan)

AOGS2014: July 28-Aug. 1, Sapporo, Japan.   

ST-2:  Coupling processes in the mesosphere-thermosphere-ionosphere  (MTI) system

Conveners: Huixin Liu(Kyushu Uni., Japan), Loren Chang (NCU, Taiwan) and Yuichi Otsuka (Nagoya Uni., Japan)

Invited speakers:  H. Luehr (GFZ Potsdam, Germany), K. Shiokawa (Nagoya Uni., Japan), J. Yue (Hampton Uni., USA),  
                                 H. Jin (NICT, Japan), A. Chandran (U. Alaska, USA), 

Understanding space and atmospheric variability from a whole atmosphere perspective is becoming the key for the next breakthrough in solar-terrestrial science. This international session focuses on physical/chemical processes occurring in the mesosphere, thermosphere, and ionosphere (MTI) at all latitudes. Both quiet and disturbed states in response to lower atmospheric forcing or solar forcing are important for the understanding of the MTI region and its coupling to other regions. Presentations on observational and model results, and new observation techniques related to the MTI coupling studies are solicited in this session. Presentations on phenomena throughout the MTI region with the potential for upward or downward coupling into adjacent regions are also welcome.

Abstract submission deadline: Feb. 11, 2014.

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