CEDAR email: nominations for AGU honors due 15 March for Union and 15 April for Section awards.

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Tue Feb 25 11:32:45 MST 2014

This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent 25 February 2014.
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(1) AGU Honor Nominations
 From James.A.Klimchuk at nasa.gov

Please recognize your colleague by nominating them for a Union or Space Physics 
and Aeronomy Section honor, including:

*AGU Fellow
*Bowie Medal
*Fleming Medal
*Macelwane Medal
*Scarf Award
*Basu (International) Early Career Award
*Basu U.S. Early Career Award
*SPARC Education and Public Outreach Award

Descriptions of the honors and lists of past winners can be found at:
*Fellows:  http://honors.agu.org/fellows/
*Union Honors:  http://honors.agu.org/awards-medals-prizes/
*Section Honors: 

All nominations must be made via the website at http://honors.agu.org/. The 
deadline for Union honors, including AGU Fellow, is March 15, and the deadline 
for section honors is April 15. Show your colleagues how much they are appreciated!

Note from editor:  These AGU honors and others are also described at
the CEDAR wiki at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu/wiki/index.php/Community:Awards

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