CEDAR email: announcement about GH01 Plasma Waves session in URSI GASS14

Kudeki, Erhan erhan at illinois.edu
Thu Feb 6 08:15:48 MST 2014

Dear Colleagues in ionospheric physics,

We invite you to attend the URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium in Beijing between 16 and 23 August 2014.
Full details are at http://www.chinaursigass.com/

Note the abstract deadline of 15 February 2014, and the early registration deadline of 14 May 2014.

Tuesday 19-08-14 13:40 - 15:40
Plasma Waves
Session Conveners: Erhan Kudeki (H); Meers Oppenheim (H)
Plasma density irregularities in the ionosphere affect radiowave propagation and interfere with Earth-space communication such as GPS. Progress in measuring, modeling, and understanding the evolution of ionospheric E- and F-region plasma structures and irregularities encompassing scales ranging from meters to hundreds of kilometers will be the main focus of this session. Phenomena of interest include F-region equatorial plasma bubbles, mid-latitude E and F region irregularities and SAPS, storm time enhancement of mid and high latitude irregularities, incomplete/unsolved problems of 150 km irregularities and non-linear behavior of Farley-Buneman and gradient-drift waves and turbulence.

See you in Beijing,

Erhan Kudeki and Meers Oppenheim


Erhan Kudeki
Erhan Kudeki                   Tel: 217 265 0128     erhan at illinois.edu
Professor and Associate Head for Undergraduate Affairs
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1406 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801

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