CEDAR email: Workshop on Whole Atmosphere Coupling during Solar Cycle 24
loren at cc.ncu.edu.tw
Tue May 7 00:40:34 MDT 2013
Second call for abstracts:
Workshop on Whole Atmosphere Coupling during Solar Cycle 24
July 14-17, 2013
National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan
In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in interest on the impact of both upwards and downwards vertical
coupling on the Earth’s atmosphere at various heights, as well as on the near-Earth space environment. Issues such
as solar cycle influences on the lower, middle, and upper atmosphere, as well as wave driven phenomena propagating
from the lower to the upper atmosphere and ionosphere, such as atmospheric tides and various planetary and gravity
waves have highlighted the need for interdisciplinary cooperation between researchers in different atmospheric
To address this need, we invite atmospheric and space scientists currently involved with, or interested in coupling
processes within the Sun-Earth system to attend the Workshop on Whole Atmosphere Coupling during Solar Cycle 24,
to be held from July 14-17, 2013 at National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan. This workshop focuses on building
the interdisciplinary foundation required to understand these coupling processes as we progress through Solar Cycle
24, and is supported in part by funding from Task Group 4 of the CAWSES-II (Climate and Weather of the Sun-Earth
System) research program.
Webpage: http://www.ss.ncu.edu.tw/~watm24/
Financial support: Limited financial assistance is available for young scientists and students, please see webpage for
Accommodations: Local accommodations at the Jhongli Park Hotel are available at a workshop rate of NT$1600 per
night. To make use of this option, please register before May 31, 2013.
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